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Our Purpose

I wrote "I Am Sheriauna" about 6 years ago without the illustrations.  Timing would have it that the book is complete now and ready to be shared with others.  Both Sheriauna and I have experienced various reactions to her amputation from people of all ages and walks of life.  Since Sheriauna was only 4 years old when I wrote this book, I was her voice to try and educate others at that time.  Over time, through encouragement and practice, Sheriauna was able to use her own voice to share her story with others.  Stares and questions became an opportunity for her to educate those who were interested and to empower herself.  


I am hopeful that this book will open up a conversation between children and their parents, teachers, or caregivers to discuss amputees and the fact that everyone is unique in their own way regardless of a disability or not.  Differences are meant to be embraced and accepted because no one is exactly identical to another person.  We believe that there is beauty and purpose in every single human being whether they have realized it or not.  I am optimistic that the next generation that reads this book will grow to be even more inclusive and accepting of each other.  


We welcome you to engage with both Sheriauna and myself to ask questions, share stories and gain understanding from our perspective! 

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